Today my mum,my brother(18M) and I(20F) where on our way to pick my dad from the bus station. On our way my brother started singing this song he made up and I joined. So my brother and I are just having fun and goofing around when my mum interrupts and she asks me to lead the song I tell her I dont know the song (clearly because it’s made up) then she proceeds to tell me about how I’m never the leader in anything and will never be because I’m always just follower. This obviously made me feel hurt because this isn’t the first time she’s said something like that to me.
Another instance can remember is when her and I went for a wedding a d she asked me take a video of the wedding procession I went where she told me to go but the lighting was terrible and I went back and told her so she then ignored me and told me it was because I don’t have any confidence and I’m too shy. Later on my brother(he was part of the wedding wedding ceremony btw)whose a photography enthusiasttried to take some pics with my mum’s phone at the same location but he ended up deleting most off them because like I mentioned earlier the lighting sucked.
Am I reading too much into this or is she problematic?

  1. She does sound overly critical, but those 2 instances alone don’t show that she is toxic – if stuff like that is happening fairly frequently then yeah she’s being toxic – if you’re comfortable with the idea you can ask her why she was acting that way, hopefully that’ll clear the air

  2. It sounds like she is either projecting her own insecurities on you or misreading situations quite a bit. Were you quite insecure of unconfident as a child?

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