my fwb invited me on his bday celeb last night after we stopped talking for a month since i confessed my feelings towards him. I end up going still on his bday just to witness him with this certain grl taking pics together while their friends were teasing them.

quick recap: we had sex abruptly on march, im aftaid things would escalate so I ignored him for 5mos straight. I took courage to reach out this sept to talk, good thing he responded. Sex happened again this october w/o any alcohol influence. He let me meet his mom, cooked dinner for me. Im having high hopes that time would be the out stepping stone to walk away fr ‘just being friends’. I took courage again this november to speak out my naked truth abt how i really feel abt him. Turns out he doesnt feel the same way. As of him, he was just like that to all of his friends. And he’s sorry for giving me mixed signals. 😆 That was the reason why we stopped talking for whole month of october not until last night.

In addition to that, I was thinking that maybe he did that on purpose because after the night I was in his house and we did sex, my guy friend picked me up with his car from his house that night. (Not to brag but I would just like to know would it make any difference if I do not let my friend picked me up and let my fwb witness that?)

  1. This was difficult to read. Grammatically, chronologically, and logically. Just confusing in a lot of ways. I’m guessing OP isn’t American

  2. So you went to his house and I guess you had sex (wasn’t clear if it was that same night) but then had another guy pick you up. Not sure why it mattered what car he had. What do you expect
    Him to think?

    Then he invited you to a party and you see him with a girl taking pics and what? He’s in the wrong but you aren’t for having a guy pick you up from his house?

  3. Yea i went to his house, we had sex. Afterwards, I let my guy friend picked me up. I have no idea it would matter if guy picked me up or not but that was until my friends point their fingers on me telling me I should not let any guy just picked me up from his house ifI really wanted something serious from my fwb situation.

  4. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. No matter how much times you all have sex and keep coming back to each other nothing is gonna change. He’s not gonna have some magic realization you’re the one. That’s some move magic bs. The man was upfront with you. Men will do things that are confusing but he told you what you needed to here. Move on and find someone willing to establish what you’re really wanting.

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