I (28,F) and my bf (28,M) havve been staying at my uncle’s (49) for a bit as we are doing internships where he lives.

He has a gf (44, F) who lives with him.

There are some things in their dynamic that concern me but I don’t say anything.

I am very close to my uncle and now to her.

They had a huge fight the other night, and my bf and uncle went on a walk so my uncle could vent, and I offered my support to the gf.

I was surprised by her really harsh temper, mean comments , cussing ect. and lack of appreciation she seems to have for my uncle.

When my uncle came back she was calm and nice.

I asked my bf if my uncle said harsh things about her and he said no.

It seems she has a lot of negative views/sides to her that she is not sharing with my uncle and I’m wondering if I should warn him or stay out of it.

Tl:dr: gf of uncle said concerning things about my uncle to me and I’m not sure how to navigate

I notice some things I don’t like in their dynamic but I don’t say anything

1 comment
  1. Did she actually say anything particularly horrible? Being angry and cussing sounds quite tame when someone is obviously venting so her being calm after is not unusual.

    As it is, you should stay out of it

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