hey so I need someone to tell me if I’m overreacting to being upset over this. so I’m a small, 5’2 very petite girl. My bf is 6’4, and jacked. Our size difference is something he’s always said is something he loved. I found his Twitter last night, and a few days ago he tweeted about how tall women are better, how having been with a woman with long slim legs is the best experience. His ex was tall, thin, model like. He’s never said anything bad about my body but this makes me feel like I’m not what he wants. Do I bring it up to him or just leave it be?

  1. If he in fact said the exact words that that tall women were “better” and that his “best experience” was bring with a woman with long slim legs publicly, then it’s a fair question to ask what he means by that.

  2. That is a valid feeling and and conversation needs to be had. Prepare for every excuse in the book though.

  3. Your feelings are valid if he really did say that tall women are better. You need to bring it up. Hiding feelings is not good for a relationship.

  4. Your feelings are certainly valid. He’s literally saying that women who are the opposite of you are “better”. Why would he tell you one thing, and then tweet another? That’s very dishonest. I would confront him.

  5. Your feelings are valid but someone needs to say that (of course, he shouldn’t have tweeted it) it may sound worse than it looks. I have a slim petite girlfriend myself and I’m 6’3 guy, almost like the same situation, and I had my share of tall girls that I’ve dated in the past. OProbably 90% of the time I’d say to you that I’m into tall girls, but just because 90% of the girls I’ve dated were tall, either way, I’ll probably marry this petite girl, that’s the funny thing about life and peoples changing taste. The big red flag was doing it WHILE with you, it’s pretty odd and seems bad but it could be just a misundertanding. Bring it up and talk to him.

  6. Just so you know, I can find certain characteristics really appealing, and them not existing in my partner. It doesn’t make me care for my partner any less.

    It is insensitive to share such things where your partner can easily see them like on social media, but it’s not a slight on you at all.

    People are more than just grouped up physical characteristics.

  7. Well, given that you have no means of extending your legs or other facets of your skeletal dimensions, I’d recommend that you ignore his post, as there’s evidently something about you that’s more important to him than your physicality. As a matter of fact, you should view this as an unspoken compliment on his part.

    I wish you well.

  8. Just ask him. It sounds like he’s just trying to be a chad on the internet and to me it weighs heavier that he’s actually with you now. But he’s the guy with the answers, which are fair to ask.

  9. Or to put it another way, your not a tall woman so according to him your not “better” ! You may be what he wants right now, but watch out for those tall woman. Either that or he got some splainen’ to do.

  10. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???!??? ID LEAVE INSTANTLY. that’s so disrespectful. I can’t imagine complementing other men while I’m in a relationship, LET ALONE PUBLICLY TWEETING THAT AN EX IS MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN MY CURRENT BF. That’s insane. I’m so mad for you. Leave him. He’s a cunt

  11. If he put the exact comments on Twitter he’s putting it out for everyone to see, including you. Yes you have the right to ask him about that as he clearly indicates that you are not his ideal woman.

  12. I would just dump him. The end.

    It’s the equivalent to blatantly ogling and wolf whistling at other women, in your girlfriend/wife’s presence. Completely disrespectful.

    OP your feelings are valid. Your boyfriends a moron.

  13. I mean, that would be the end of the relationship for me. How do you come back from your SO publicly stating he prefers a different body type for no reason?

  14. Hi everyone! Thank you all for the advice and comments. I’m still deciding what to say to him. Should I post the tweet?

  15. First off, your feelings are always valid, period. If you feel something, you feel it and are entitled to feel that way. Second, I would discuss with him how that made you feel and if he loves you he’ll care enough to not do it again.

  16. I just find it weird that he would think you’d never see this being that it is his public account? That’s pretty fucked up. My ex did something slightly similar and I still feel like it was on purpose.

  17. Maybe ask him why he posted a public insult to you. Is he aware of how that would make you feel? And why does he want to hurt you?

  18. Men do this kind of shit and everyone say things like “he’s not responsable of your low self-esteem, try to work on it” bit you’re feelings are valid.

  19. Leave it be. Because shorties are the shit! Sexy weman in a small frame. Yes! Always. Dont worry. You most have something going on or he would not he with you. Relax. You got this.

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