How did you discover what you are truly passionate about?

  1. I guess as far as “passionate” goes, I enjoy writing. I have since elementary school.

    It remember doing well in classes and learning. Grammar rules are super boring, but I get it. And I love knowing how and when you can break them.

    I work as a writer now. My job is to make boring subjects interesting. Get creative. And paint in words.

    I’m quite content.

    And they say an English Degree is a waste.

  2. When I was in kindergarten, my teachers took us to a field where we drew butterflies and flowers. Back in the classroom, we talked about them at the most basic of scientific levels (butterflies are insects, flowers are part of plants, etc) and ever since then I’ve loved science. I will say it’s been a love-hate relationship. Lots of times I doubted myself because science is a “men’s field” and that’s a pretty perpetuated stereotype where I’m from. I just learned to block that out and keep learning because as much as I suffer at times, I still genuinely find it interesting enough to try and make a career out of it.

  3. I heard in the sixth grade that if you wanted to play an orchestral instrument, you had to sign up for the sixth grade or you couldn’t for the rest of middle school, so I figured I might as well try it out while I still could, and ended up loving it! My parents got me my own viola and I love to play it all the time! Best decision I ever made!

  4. I always struggled with school due to being undiagnosed with ADHD until I got into university. I had to take a psychology class for my general education requirements and absolutely fell in love with the content. I had never been so immersed in something in my life and finally felt I belonged somewhere. I work at a psych facility now and love what I do and the new things that I learn each day

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