So I was abstinence for years and then I met this guy and started to have sex with him. The reason I was abstaining is because I wanted more intimacy and to be in a meaningful relationship and that didn’t happen. Fast forward to now I’m having sex with this guy and I want more foreplay and intimacy but don’t know how to tell him without sounding like I want more from him.

So how should I tell him? I have a feeling that he doesn’t want a relationship with me so I don’t want him to feel like I’m pushing for that. I’m just overall bored with the sex and want more.

  1. I think you should tell him like you just did now. Be honest and transparent. Tell him that it is a desire you have, not because you have feelings for him but because that’s what you enjoy and what gets you off.

    However, are you absolutely sure you don’t want more from him?

  2. Foreplay and aftercare are things that I feel a lot of guys find sexy. If you ask for it you very well may get it

  3. Your mistake was in having sex with him without being in a relationship. By doing that, you were implicitly telling him it was OK to have sex and he doesn’t need to give you more. Why did you do that if you knew you wanted to be in a meaningful relationship?

    Your best option is to tell him the truth and let the chips fall where they may. If he tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, then you know this is not the right guy to continue seeing.

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