craving female atraction

Im 15 and i haven’t had my first kiss or anything like that. I see peope in my year constantly in relationships and getting blowjobs of lots of girls. I am shy and dont really have much social skills and I also hang around with one or two people at school. Recently i have been wanting attention. Some german students have temporarilly joined and i have talked to one of them and they are nice but i don’t think they like me . What should I do?

  1. Focus on yourself and what you want out of life. A woman likes when a man knows what he wants and works for it. You keep working hard and bettering yourself you will get some females looking your way. Key is making yourself desirable and be confident. Anyone can pull hoes its not hard but finding someone who is actually into you is hard thats why its good to work on yourself and be ready when the time comes.

  2. Cringe post. “getting blowjobs of lots of girls” what kinda aspirations are these man? Work on yourself as a person and how to respectfully handle yourself around women.

  3. Lmao no 15 year old out there is “getting blowjobs and lots of girls”. They’re lying to make themselves look good. Maybe there are a lot of girls who flirt with him, or he has lost his virginity, but in reality it’s usually nothing more than that.


    Anyway. Girls are ordinary people just like yourself so before you start seeking female attention you need to understand that they’re people first, romantic interests second. They’re not there to “give you status”. Guys who think like that surefire become losers in the future, thinking they’re alpha.

    After you understand that girls are human and have feelings, aspirations, hobbies as real as yours and your homies’, my advice is to work on your appearance. Since youre all 15 there’s only really 2 ways of being *popular* with the other gender (notice I said to be popular, not getting a single gf. That’s a whole ’nother ballgame)- looks and charisma. Imo, you really only need one of those.

    To get better looking, and I know this sounds shallow but sadly it’s just the most straightforward way, you‘ll probably need to be fit and know how to dress yourself. Pinterest is a great guide, and remember that you never NEED expensivethings or brands to look good.


    Charisma on the other hard is hard to learn. YouTube channels like “charisma on command” dont work either, because other people can tell you’re faking it. Instead to improve you need experience, so just hang out with extroverts more and observe how they interact with each other. In the end the golden rule is to be kind, but stand up for yourself and have a backbone when necessary.

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