So for background- I (27F) was with my now ex(25M) for a short amount of time, but knew of each other prior because of family. Everything was fine until he went out of town to visit his family over the weekend and even in the beginning of that week he was being weird. He did have some issues going on which is what I took for it at the time and given what has happened I know why, but he was more dry and wouldn’t say I love you anymore even when I would say it. Then getting closer to us going our separate ways I gave him many opportunities to be open and be man enough to say hey I don’t see this working out but kept beating around the bush. Then I basically had to break up with him even though it was mutual but it was basically me and he just agreed to it.

Fast forward to now: so when asked about why we weren’t together anymore, instead of saying it didn’t work out, he said he didn’t want anything serious but was wanting me to move down there before ever breaking up. I let it be right (I forgot to mention we are 5 hours apart) he can look bad himself without me doing anything. Then I get told if I had seen his profile pic because to my knowledge we were still friends on Facebook and that’s how I found out he had blocked me. So I messaged him and he did say that he did and that he sees no problem with it and that it doesn’t make him look bad and kept on saying he wasn’t talking bad about me and all that so I just said don’t worry your actions speak for you.

Now my question is, did I overreact?

Like yes we weren’t together long but I helped him out with everything I could even when we were apart for weeks and for him to say he didn’t want anything serious just makes me feel used and that I wasted my time and he’s the one who approached me and if he thinks he hasn’t done anything wrong, why block me? Especially when he didn’t really see me in an ugly way for him to have any valid reason to block me and if me expressing how he made me feel in that weekend we didn’t talk for about a day and a half and him not being honest and just beating around the bush is what did it then that just tells me he hates being confronted about his actions and thinks of it as one being mean or something.

Oh I forgot to mention that the picture was of him and his ex (that he wouldn’t call an ex but a friend and they still refer to themselves as that now even when they first ever started dating) and she also has me blocked too.

So long story short, did I overreact?
And if you have any questions let me know so I can clarify any misunderstandings.

TL;DR : says he didn’t want anything serious after we broke up, blocks me without a valid reason and coincidentally back with his ex but insists he isn’t in the wrong for blocking me even though I was never mean or malicious to this dude when we were together, did I overreact?

1 comment
  1. He isn’t wrong for blocking you. He doesn’t need a “valid reason” to do so. Move on with your life and forget about him.

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