Hello Reddit,

So, I am considering breaking up with my partner of 4 years. We have been living together for 5 months.
The issue is he is leaving a job he’s had for 7+ years and plans to go to school. He does not have a job lined up as he can get paid to go to school and he plans to use social security benefits to have some income. He has mentioned he can get a job if he needs to, and I am not worried about him not keeping his word. What I am worried about is that he will be unable to afford rent. We split rent and with how insane rental prices have become, I’m not sure that if we break up if he will be able to afford it on his own.
I still care very much about him but I do not think he and I are compatible and will have a long healthy relationship. I have brought this up before and have even tried to break up with him before but he wanted to work on things and continue the relationship. Deep down I regret giving him another chance because I am feeling this way and I don’t want to leave him in a shitty financial situation.
I know breakups suck and either way it will be a shitty situation, but I still want him to prosper and be able to heal after things are over. I love him, I really do, but I don’t think we are meant to be and I do not want to be miserable trying to keep him happy.
I feel as though I am losing myself in this relationship. In most, people have a glow up but I feel as though I am shriveling into my shell rather than coming out and it has been mentioned to me by family and friends that I’ve gotten so much more quiet and reserved. I’ve also had some concerning weight loss since moving in and my anxiety has been so much worse. I do not feel rested even after the weekends and things are just feeling like an endless loop of sleeping and working.

We have tried working on things, but they have not changed much. I think our personalities are too different for both of us to compromise and still be happy. He is a lovely man and I feel like he would make a great partner to someone more like him, and I feel like I would be better off on my own for a bit to resolve my own personal issues. I just don’t know how to go about this. He is also my first romantic partner and I do not think I have fully figured out my standards for partnership.
I have self esteem issues and tend to be a people pleaser. I know it’s not his job to resolve my issues, but I feel like being in a relationship like this has worsened how I feel.
Weighing this decision also makes me feel like some kind of selfish monster. I just want both of us to be happy.

Any advice would be helpful.

BF and I are not compatible and we live together. I worry about breaking up with him and putting him in a bad financial situation because he is having a life transition.

  1. He’s an adult; he can figure out how to find a place to live. The timing may not be ideal, but it’s not actually kind to stay with someone you want to break up with because you think he can’t manage his life without you. He can.

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