Just like it states, video games control my boyfriend. Is this a bad thing? He, M 20 is the type that doesn’t have many friends, like any. I F 21 always try to support him playing because it is quite litterarly his only hobby. He used to read somewhat but not anymore. Since we’ve been together for 3 years he has went out with friends maybe three times, he isn’t a very social person. However, instead he spends his days and nights playing video games. I’m talking 2pm-4am some nights. When we visit his family, ten minutes into being there his younger siblings and him will start up some type of video game on the TV. I’m always invited to play, and I love to play a round or two, but they’ll spend hours playing. Is this a bad thing? Should I be annoyed? How do I get him to find other interests? He used to not be this obsessed. I’m going to add he only works 22 hours a week, so you can imagine how much he plays. EDIT: I’ve talked to him three times in the past six months about how it bothers me. He’ll work on it for a week, and then go back to his old ways.

  1. Talk to him about trying to do other things. Maybe more things with you. In the end, that just may be his personality

  2. Should you be annoyed? That’s not something you should seek opinions on. You should know if you’re annoyed or not, and the fact you took time to post this is evidence that you are in fact… annoyed.

  3. This is definitely not healthy. Sounds like escapism. Idk if there’s much you can do…have you talked to him and tried to help him stop? Addiction to video games is a legit issue. If you explain how you feel and try to help him get over it, it might work. If you don’t say anything it will just continue.

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