What are some common life experiences you don’t have?

  1. I’ve never lived by myself. Only with family and then my now husband. No cultural reasons, I could just never afford to live alone.

  2. Having friends who also liked a lot of the nerdy stuff I grew up with, and just having a solid foundation as a fan of that stuff. I just did the basics to get by, so I would not set myself up to get hurt and there was really no point until I had the proper friends to go all out with.

  3. I’m probably going to go with living abroad. Unless Wales counts. And I don’t think it does.

  4. Having a “serious” girlfriend when I was like 18-25 doing cute stuff like going on short trips together and whatnot. Also just in-general not really traveling. I’ve been to like 5 states and have never left the country. I’m tempted to just buy a ticket to Europe or go to Alaska or Quebec just to prove to myself I can handle it alone.

  5. Never went to prom, never taken a girl on a date, never had a girlfriend, never felt like I belonged.

  6. Driving , I am in my late 20s and still dont know how to drive. never had a need nor did i had any motivation as of now. but sometimes feels like missing out on an essential experience.

  7. – Going to prom
    – having a hookup or fwb
    – casual dating

    A lot of these recently came up as real issues but it’s mainly a trigger from some trauma. I really should not care

  8. Driving/ owning a vehicle; 23 and have never had a need, have always found a workaround.

    From what I’ve heard it’s saving me a lot of money too, lol

  9. I have a few, never went to prom, never went to the senior trip, never got my license, never went to a college party, and never went out to a club with my friends

  10. Male bonding. I find it hard to bond with other men. I’m okay with that because my mind doesn’t work in the same way as most other guys. Everything feels like a pissing contest and I don’t care for it. I just prefer the company of female friends and my partner.

    Also, I don’t have kids. I hope to change that one day though and I’m glad I didn’t have them in my 20s.

  11. Never been abroad and never lived alone, and I’m 25.

    Probably never will, seeing as there’s a war going on in our country and the borders for men aged 18-65 are closed. The future doesn’t look too bright either.

    My dream of moving away with my girlfriend and starting a new life for us in Canada will remain a dream — a lot of dudes get drafted daily, they catch them out on the streets, at supermarkets, at block posts around city limits. It’s a matter of time before they need more for the meat grinder — sooner or later I’ll be there. And I will be forgotten.

    Cherish each day of your lives, folks. Some of us will never have the luxury to live a peaceful life anymore.

  12. M32 here.

    Never done any type of drugs, not that I’m really interested, but I can’t relate to the whole smoking pit in highschool. Never even smoked a ig are the and stopped drinking at 19.

    Been single for 15yrs and my most LTR was 5 months in highschool. Can’t ever say I’ve had a real girlfriend experience or real romantic relationship.

    See above, no kids. While I am 99% certain right now I don’t want kids, some days I think it would be interesting to have a family.

    Never really travelled. I’ve always been working or in school. The furthest I’ve travelled is Mexico in highschool. Last time I left Canada was 10yrs ago, and I don’t even have a passport anymore.

    Can’t even really say I’ve had friends. Nobody in my social circle of 1 and always been a loner.

    The dream right now is to go to Ireland or England or Scotland to see where my ancestors came from. Maybe meet a nice girl there, fall in love and start a family. Cross several items off my list at once lol.

  13. Didn’t go to prom

    Never had a one night stand(still haven’t had sex yet)

    Haven’t lived alone, only with family

    Haven’t had kids(although I’ve had dogs, which are kinda like children)

    Haven’t been on an actual date with a girl

    Haven’t gotten my driver’s license or permit

    Bottom line: I’ve been pretty sheltered & although I want to change things up, I don’t have the courage or discipline to change much.

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