Could be anything general you just never get around to doing

  1. Anything that would be beneficial to my finances, my physical health, or my mental health.

    I mean, I probably do have the time, but like, video games.

  2. I suppose doing my current job that I leave in 15 work days time should be on my to-do list but I’m far too busy not giving a fuck to do it.

  3. Fixing the network port into home office that is stuck at 100mb – just never get around to fixing it.

  4. You’re asking a bunch of people that have time to be on Reddit for tod knows how long a day. Time is not the issue amigo!

  5. I have a small walk in wardrobe that i can no longer walk in i just also don’t have the time to clear it all out and sort it out. I know it’ll take a couple of hours but its mess only i know exists and i prioritise shared space mess more in my free time

  6. Keeping the grass cut (got 5 acres of it) and weeding the grass that regrows in areas where the grass has been cleared. I know grass prevents the country turning into a desert, but when you’re trying to turn a field of grass into something that’s actually productive and good for nature, it’s a nightmare, especially when you’ve got the invasive couch grass which spreads through rhizomes.

    Just having a to-do list though is good for you. Like if you have trouble falling asleep, write down as much stuff to do as possible, it clears the mind.

  7. Cleaning my house. I’ve just learned to accept that I’ve made animal trails through the dog hair in my house

  8. I purchased a outdoor pull up bar in Feb. Got round to the assembly in July. It’s been sat in the garden since then…got the wall bolts, long conrete drill bit, just not the time to drill the holes and install it.

    It’s one of those jobs that i know will take most of the day…

  9. I have plenty of time, but also Reddit…

    Honestly it’s the big house jobs that require me to contact people. I’ve got leaking gutters, windows that don’t fit right, threadbare carpets, a conservatory/lean-to that may or may not be coming away from the house (it is), and every DIY job I’ve ever started is half finished. Other than the carpets, people don’t tend to notice and think my house looks nice because it’s clean and surface-level decorated, but every time it’s cold or wet I’m sat here paranoid and anxious. And writing about it on Reddit instead of doing something 😏

  10. Fixing my motorbike, usually ride to work most days during the summer, however, back in March it developed an oil leak, before I can fix it I need to clear space in my garage, to clear space I need to sort through a lot of stuff that keeps getting piled in there, every time I clear some stuff away the space gets filled with more stuff that needs to be dumped or sold, 8 months and still not been able to take a spanner to it.

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