My(M19) gf(F19) wants to be able to top when we have sex, but her legs hurt too quickly and get tired when she does. Anybody have any other positions for her to top or be in control without putting to much stress on the legs?

  1. What specifically hurts? Also may sound silly, but you could suggest you both start stretching more. I’m not talking about a warmup routine before sex, but like 15 mins everyday (let’s say when you wake up) can greatly help

  2. I mean there really isn’t any position where your legs aren’t working if you’re the one thrusting. Maybe have her hit the gym so she can strengthen her legs instead?

  3. Is she squatting over you or kneeling over you?

    My wife is on top all the time. She kneels with each leg on each side of me and then bounces and/or grinds on me. She has never once complained about her legs hurting or getting stressed.

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