So, its IMD here for me here at least. For you folks in the West, it might be a few hours afterwards, I will be sleeping by then. Happy Men’s Day folks ! What are you up to today / tom ? Celebrating or just passing it as just another day ? I strongly suspect the latter – no one really gives a shit …. but here at least this one person does.

This Men’s day, I wanna leave a message for you dudes :-

For the dudes going through difficult times now,

For the dudes who are suffering through heartbreak, or the loss of a loved one,

For the dudes who feel left out by society, or think they are invisible,

For the dudes who are on the verge of breaking down, but are holding it for others,

For all the fathers, pillars of every family,

For the teens, who feel no one cares about them,

I just wanna say : **YOU MATTER. YOU EXIST.** Yup, I know this isnt much, but such is my limitation. I realize this sounds like that part of movie where the protagonist gives an inspiring speech and then comes the happy ending … except this aint a movie, and there might not be a happy ending. I get that.

I cant promise a happy ending, but I wanna do my part. I am no therapist, but I anybody wanna talk if you are feeling down, I am there for ya.

TL;DR : Happy IMD Men, PM if you are feeling down, or just comment down, let the other benevolent men here be your support too.

  1. My company went all out this year. Usually they use international men’s day as an opportunity for men to address ways men have oppressed women, how masculinity is “toxic,” and how we can better support women as men, but this year they also added a 15min discussion about men’s health and how men can avoid toxic male thinking regarding health and nutrition, to live healthier lives despite our urges not to. What a sweet surprise!

  2. Thanks, nice gesture. Nobody else got me shit for this holiday that I didn’t know existed until just now! My wife will be hearing about it. Edit to add: It falls on my birthday, that I forgot about until just now too.

  3. Welp, thanks to you good sir!

    Hope you have a great and awesome day! be well, wishing you the very best!

  4. I feel broken, maybe not even like a person. I feel like my life is just a black-and-white movie that I’m just watching. And it’s not even a good movie. I feel like I’m in prison, but even if someone opened my cell, I wouldn’t leave it.

    I hate my life, and I hate myself.

  5. Hey I appreciate this. Thank you.

    Prepping for my youngest birthday this weekend. Some remodeling too.

  6. TIL there’s an international mens day.

    I’m running a 5k for charity tomorrow, and getting together with some college friends I haven’t seen in some time. I tend to find most holidays are normal days. Except international talk like a pirate day that ones legit.

  7. Wait, is it mens day? didn’t knew it

    Well, I sent my dogs to get a haircut/bath, now they’re sleeping peacefully on my bed, i’m now watching South Park

    I was playing yugioh on VR but my family started screaming so I had to concede and log off

    In…2 more hours i’ll buy burguers for myself and my sister and if she’s playing Overwatch I’ll safely play VRchat and swim/drive around, as long as my grandma is sleeping, if not, i’ll go stay at her side until she falls asleep

  8. I’m going to order a pizza then watch some porn and finish in the empty box before going to bed

  9. I’m moving out of a toxic household and in with a friend from work. Cost me the relationship with my current friend/housemate so I’m hurt but know I’m on to better things. Also moving sucks and makes me realise I own too much shit I don’t need.

  10. Don’t have anything plan but i will ask my friends to go out just so we can get into the habit of celebrating.

  11. I got an exam tomorrow. Well, technically today, since it’s past midnight and then physics the day after.

  12. Thanks man. I have been putting out doing some boxing exercises and on saturday and sunday i want to go and do some 20 min shadow boxing in the morning and then go on with my day.

  13. I had no idea that this was a thing lol. Maybe I’ll start pretending to care about this one the same way I pretend to care about flag day.

  14. 8 years ago today, I was diagnosed with Grade 3a prostate cancer.

    5 years ago, I went in to remission.

    This year, I can tell people that I am cured.

    Going to spend the day being thankful and reflecting on my incredible good fortune, while sipping a glass of high quality single malt whiskey.

    All is well.

  15. I didn’t even know we had a day like that, it’s rather anti-male the last decades. It’s a hell and you don’t really see anyone giving you positive attention. It’s a major reason why so many men choose to go their own way. Do what they wish to do.

    I seen several positive messages now towards men, I really like the change. Thank you to those that try a positive approach.

    I think I will be doing a long walk in nature, no one around so I will be perfectly happy with that. Perhaps some gaming later in the day, don’t have to do much anyways.

  16. I have felt pretty low today, tomorrow I believe is IMD here in California. Gonna go on a run with my friend, which I’m excited about. But there’s another part of me that is feeling like it needs to take up space. It often appears I have a lot going for me in life, and I do, but there was a lot as a kid not going for me. And it wasn’t very obvious to anyone, not even my abusers. Today I seem like an incredibly healthy young Man who is ‘living a life of adventure’. But I have a hard time sharing other sides of myself with people, because if I do, and I’m not listened too or feel misunderstood I can sometimes associate(often subconsciously) the present day experience with severe adverse childhood experiences. I am learning to separate the there and then from the here and now, but doing that with my emotions has been difficult today. It usually involves a lot of screen time (Reddit and gaming), self deprecation and more difficult thoughts. May tomorrow be a different day. I don’t want to reject this part of myself, but I won’t let them completely rule my day tomorrow. I’ve got things to do and work. There are just days where I feel like my psyche is somewhere else and my mind and body are just dragging it along through what feels like psychic gravel and cinders.
    Wow, nice to get that out. Thanks for this post OP. Hope all the Men in here get to celebrate their manhood in whatever way feels best to them. It can be hard sometimes, but I hope your manhood just feels like your self. May you love your self as you are, may you accept your self as you are and may you live at ease with who you are.

  17. Work and chilling with my daughter. Gotta play sonic and Pokémon this weekend. And maybe have some spirited driving <3

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