Hey ladies, what has been your experience with acupuncture?

  1. I did it once. It really fucking hurt, and made the issue worse. I concluded that it’s bullshit.

  2. I had good luck with it. It wasn’t a permanent fix but lessened pain and discomfort from soft tissue injuries after a car accident. The acupuncture was more helpful than the physical therapy.

    Once in awhile the acupuncturist would hit a nerve ( felt like getting an electric shock ) but usually I didn’t feel the needles. I used to fall asleep during treatment. The needles are much thinner than sewing needles or syringes.

    The one I went to was actually treating my mom for a work-related injury. I’m glad worker’s compensation covered my mom’s treatment but I wish my insurance had done the same!

  3. I love it. It alleviates my back pain immensely.

    I prefer the electro-acupuncture to regular one.

  4. It was recommended by a medical doctor in my ESL class after I broke my toe. He said it would help the bones knit a bit faster. No clue whether it actually helped but it didn’t seem to hurt and it was covered by Korean health insurance anyway.

  5. There are different types, physio types or Traditional Chinese Medicine types.
    I have had good experience with TCM for migraines after suffering throughout childhood.

  6. I concur about TCM acupuncture. I had a heel spur which affected they way I walked. I was given needles to correct the inflammation around the tissue near overused muscles and around my heel spur. It definitely worked.

    Sometimes it hurts but they will tell you like… This placement will feel like a sting. Or something like that so it’s not accidental or incidental. They know which ones are near nerves.

    Ive had it several times for my back (I was hit by a car while walking so I have recurring issues) and I have a TCM bonesetter and when hes correcting me he will place them in various areas along my spine. Usually for inflammation. He also uses cupping at random. Its SO effective (the combination) but cupping HURTS.

  7. Chronic pain doc referred me to it despite it being utter quackery. Did it anyway and it succeeded in wasting some time and money.

  8. I tried it when I was very very pregnant and didn’t want an induction.

    She inserted a needle into my shoulder, and when she spun the needle in her fingers one way, my baby would roll over that way. She spun it the other way, and he rolled that way. It was bizarre.

    After a full examination of my tongue and belly (?? idk that’s what she did) the woman told me my labor couldn’t start because my baby was tangled up in a golden cord tying him to the souls of his siblings – she was referring to the fact that I’d had several miscarriages before. She did some sort of ritual to help loosen the cord.

    A few days later I was, in fact, induced, and my son was born.

    But he almost died during his birth because he was so tangled in his umbilical cord.

  9. I tried acupuncture after being diagnosed with arthritis. My pain improved significantly over several weeks but I also changed my diet so that was likely a factor as well.

  10. I tried it once for migraines. I left and literally felt like I wanted to drive my car off a bridge. I felt completely hypnotized. I’ll never do it again.

  11. It’s been great. I had it a few times over a couple of months to help with my period. The lady explained to me why she was putting each needle in each position and it really helped me with regularity. I went to a Chinese practitioner for it and I don’t think I would go to a western practitioner for it, even though they are my normal gp. It’s Chinese medical science and I think they do it best and most traditionally

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