What’s your go to drink of choice?

  1. I like water it’s good for me. Sometimes I add these hydration packs to it . But for a beverage I love blueberry juice and cranberry from Knudsen organic.

  2. Water, we just don’t do juice or soda in my house. We have enough sugar and carbohydrates in all the other stuff we consume.

    Occasionally I will have a soda but I don’t get my kids used to having juice or soda all the time.

  3. Local beer or liquor. If generic restaurant without local stuff then rum and coke with lime (Cuba Libre!). Wine or cider if I’m at at the vineyard or cidery, which happens more often than I intend.

  4. If I’m in a soft mood, cranberry juice and vodka. If I’m in a hard mood, straight whiskey. In the winter I love a good warm mulled wine.

  5. Depends on time of day. In the morning it’s coffee. Throughout the day I carry a 1/2 gallon jug of flavored water (H2O plus one single serve flavor packet intended for a pint of water). Then the evening is either herbal tea or whisky. Tomato juice can be a morning or evening thing.

  6. Soft: coke, but I’m trying to drink less, so water or sparkling water.

    Hard: whatever is blended with vodka or tequila. If they don’t have a blended drink then something fruity with vodka or tequila. If I don’t like any of those options, gin and tonic with extra lime.

  7. 𐑣𐑸𐑛 𐑕𐑲𐑛𐑼 𐑦𐑓 𐑲’𐑥 𐑓𐑰𐑤𐑰𐑙𐑜 𐑚𐑵𐑟𐑰, 𐑛𐑲𐑧𐑑 𐑡𐑦𐑯𐑡𐑼 𐑱𐑤 𐑓 𐑛𐑱 𐑑 𐑛𐑱.

    >!Hard Cider if I’m feeling boozy, diet ginger ale for day to day.!<

  8. Water, normally. Sometimes seltzer

    If I’m drinking alcohol, it’s wine unless someone else is providing the beer or margaritas.

  9. Polar Starfruit Lemonade seltzer, cranberry juice, root beer, any kind of lemonade, Allagash white or any sour, and a whiskey and apple cider. But really none of that tastes as good as a cold glass of water right before bed.

  10. Non alcoholic/everyday: water. So much water.

    Alcoholic: wine.

    Non alcoholic/ non water: ugh. If I have to…. Sprite. Or gatorade.

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