I haven’t gone out in the dating world in a while. This was my first time stepping back out there and I was nervous as hell meeting him in person. We matched on bumble and chatted for a week-ish before meeting… it was literally perfect. We wouldn’t stop texting each other.

Fast forward to date #1, it was more than what we thought it could be. We clicked so well and he gave every single sign that he was into me. He straight up told me he wanted to introduce me to his friends one day and was gushing about how his heart kept racing all fast… we kissed and made out and it was just sparks and all. He even said so too. That night was just perfect.

We went on date #2 and that was even more perfect. Cooked me dinner and everything. Opened up about our past. It was just great.

Then last week he just starts texting less and being distant out of nowhere. I knew something was off. So I asked him and he said everything was fine. But yesterday he was MIA and I officially knew that something was not right. So I asked him to just give it to me straight and he responded with how he has a lot going on mentally and that he just wanted to shut things off and how it’s not fair to me. That he should’ve told me? And that his apprehension got the better of him with other drama in his life and he felt overwhelm.

I’m just sick to my stomach. I opened up to this guy… granted so did he. But I thought this was going to lead to something. Thankfully I didn’t have sex with him. When you think everything is going amazing just remember to not get too excited I guess.

  1. Bummer. But with no sex, it sounds like he is being honest about needing a mental break. He never should have been on a dating sight.

  2. This is exactly what I have recently been dealing with plus sex. I just don’t understand. What made it even worse was them telling me they’re in the best place they’ve ever been mentally fast forward a few weeks they’re ending things because they aren’t in a good place mentally right now.

  3. All his reasoning is bullshit.

    He invited you to his and cooked you dinner. If he didn’t push you for sex, I don’t know what’s going on in his mind. If he did push and you turned him down, there’s your answer. Onto the next.

  4. solidarity, sis! I had a perfect first date and he ghosted me. The kind of date that lasts hours and you talk about everything. I’m also grateful I did not sleep with him but the rejection hurts so much. If you’re not ready to date, don’t. 🙁

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