Imo the concept of cars as status symbols is outdated.

  1. Yes, if you don’t own and drive a car, you’re either too poor to afford one, someone who suffers from overwhelming anxiety, or an alcoholic who has probably killed someone with a car.

  2. Yeah, luxury cars are a status thing. I don’t think it will ever be outdated – buying expensive shit is how people have always shown their wealth.

  3. >IMO the concept of cars as status symbols is outdated.

    Please, feel free to elaborate.

    Is there a reason you keep asking questions on this sub, then not interacting with the answers you get in any way?

  4. Oh yeah dudes will lease the newest trucks around here but live in a dump. Seems pretty ass backwards to me

  5. I would say to a degree, but less so. But it also depends on where you are. In miami, people were really into having expensive cars. I now live in chicago, and its quite different

  6. It’s all about perspective, cars are like shoes in my opinion. You can get nice looking ones, you can get rock climbing ones, you can get comfortable ones, etc. At the end of the day you’ll wear out the shoe and have to get a new one. The person who owns the car gives it the status they want in their head.

  7. Why are people on here so obsessed with “status symbols” I thought everyone else was beyond that concept? what gives?

    This person alone has made multiple posts about this.

  8. Fact is? Everyone has a different “relationship” to their car and cars in general! We are all different.

    Me? Motor racing and “the car” scene? Not the slightest bit interested.

    Personal car? Even if i could afford a top of the range expensive car? Not sure I’d bother…. but there are several cheaper cars i would just never buy either! No matter how good a deal i might get.

    Cars apparently reflect our personality😯 i can see that. I like a particular brand. And even if i had billions $$? I’d probably just buy top of that range and a new one every year👍

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