I started seeing a person from fetlife and I was addicted to weed till I met him a few months in I eventually told him I smoke and I didn’t want to lose him so I quit cold turkey to then have him walk away from me due to it so I started smoking again then he appears and I find out he smokes too!! But I didn’t want to lose him so I kept it all silent. But now after a year and an argueement cause I smoked too much and got paranoid cause we’ll long story short I find out he’s known me much longer then I knew (stalked me before meeting him) he up and leaves me, even though he said he would never abandon me. Just fucked up that he literally studied me to details I only knew but to suddenly leave me? It’s been about three weeks now. I called him but goes to voicemail which usually means I’m not blocked right? But probably put on do not disturb? But then again if my theory’s true why? He’s being to sensitive and closed minded to have leave over nothing. I’m left depressed and more broken then ever and I know if I never find out from him then I’ll die alone cause of how much I loved him.

Edited: sorry ignore the suicide remark forgot it’s not normal to be suicidal to most ppl. I’ve been suicidal for as long as I can remember that it’s normal so please take that with a grain of salt.

  1. suicide? this is too much for this forum. we just give casual dating advice. call your doctor and get into a treatment plan. they can be helpful. we cant help you.

  2. Talk to a therapist, go to the emergency room, it seems like you are in crisis. He was stalking you, you are a victim, don’t blame yourself for this. Do not try to contact him. He honestly is probably staying away because you could press charges for the stalking. He manipulated you into this “relationship” using information he gathered while stalking you. It was never love, it was control. Talk to a professional please. Call a crisis line if you have to.

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