Edit: you’re*

  1. I take a few deep breathes and try and change my view of the situation that is making me angry. I ask myself, “is being angry going to make this better?” Usually the answer is no.

  2. The understanding that it will always get worse and I’ll only get angrier unless I compose myself to focus on my goal.

  3. I’ve really gotten into meditation and just mindfulness in general. Before I would let things fester and just let my anger engulf me but now I try to breath and focus on the “the situation happened, I can’t change it and I can’t go back so I just need to move forward and work with what I got”. It’s not easy but I find myself able to better handle those situations

  4. I don’t really get angry, which explains my gray hair at 26, but I usually go by the 5 by 5 rule. If it doesn’t affect me in 5 years, don’t give it 5 minutes of my time now. If a game upsets me, I shut it off. If I’m in an argument I walk away.

  5. Stepping to the side when I get frustrated.

    Life is too short for me to spend time being pissed off about something just to stick around and let it continue to anger me. I step to the side and that starts calming me down.

  6. Sleep. Even than I could wake up and remember what I’m angry about and just be frustrated all day.

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