I’m 25 and have lived in south Florida all my life. I hate it, always have. But today I meant someone and I mentioned how I don’t feel there’s anything to do here and he just looked my me wide eyed, saying there’s tons to do if you just explore. My whole life I’ve never really had friends, even in college. And if something was over a half hour drive I just wouldn’t go, cause that’s way too far a drive. But I’m realizing I’m afraid to do things alone. I never see anyone by themselves when I’m out so I feel I would stick out like a sore thumb. I realize everyone else has just gathered friends from college and explored with them. I have to do everything by myself, I was always too tired to socialize. Now I feel so behind at 25, I just feel so down and left out. I don’t have anywhere near the social experience everyone else seems to have

  1. Get a dog. Dogs love to explore, get you out of the house, and are social lubricants. Good luck

  2. Doing everything by yourself isn’t necessarily bad. And you still have a long life ahead of you. Try moving beyond your college days and your past, there are a lot of ways to meet new people. You can still be exploring alone and meet new and interesting people on your journey. You just need to change your mindset.

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