I’m F/27 and my 10-year relationship just ended early this year. I miss being in a relationship but I’m too scared to invest my time and energy in knowing someone else again. It seems that everyone is telling me that I’m not young anymore and that I don’t have a lot of time to waste dating a wrong person again and my last relationship messed up my confidence so bad I don’t know how to start. 🙁

  1. Don’t measure yourself by other people’s standards. Take all the time you need to be ready again.

  2. You are not young compared to the very young people for sure, who said that?

    Try to go out and have fun. Maybe try with dating apps just for fun indeed and see how you feel about it.

  3. The last time you were single, you were 17. It is going to be a different experience. I would advise don’t look at it as dating and finding a future husband. Just look at it as a chance to meet new people and have interesting conversations

  4. I’m 41 and back on the dating scene after a 9 year relationship.

    Get out and about, get some exercise and be confident in yourself, it will help.


  5. My advice is to take a step back from dating world and heal your wound first. Because if not, you will bleed on your next partner. And stop hearing negativity. All seawater in the sea can never sink a boat unless it got inside the boat. Those who loves you will always love you, regardless your age. Unless you are talking about time in biological sense. Well then, heal faster… 🙂

  6. Who are these unsupportive people you have telling you you’re not young anymore?? 27 is still young! Take your time and learn yourself again. You have 10 years of insight into what you do and don’t want from a relationship. Take the good from your relationship and leave the bad and focus on people who have the good traits you like. Don’t let a relationship be the only source of your confidence. Do you have any hobbies you enjoy that you can focus on? Do you set yourself small goals every day to build your confidence back up?

  7. You’re young, take your time you definitely have tons of time. Those people are dumb. Just practice dating and take things slowly. Don’t settle and know your worth!

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