Considering previous employment as self employed or employed in small business without human resource management systems in place. How many previous employers are verified? Also, how important is the accuracy of the stated titles/designation on a resume?

  1. HMRC / Business Gateway will have a full record of your previous employment. You can view it online for free.

  2. The accuracy of stated titles/designation on a resume is important especially if you are wanting a reference from that employer.

    The amount of ‘evidence’ they require will vary from employer to employer.

    Usually the want a reference from your last employer. A small business without HR doesn’t matter. They will write/phone/or email to confirmed company details and ask for the reference.

    A relative of mine recently had to produce old payslips for an organisation that went out of business. They will look for evidence that you were actually employed there.

    The amount of previous employers verified will again depend – usually it’s the last one (sometimes 2)

    If you are thinking of lying about holding jobs you have never had simply don’t do it. When discovered you can be fired instantly and blacklisted

  3. If it’s like where I work, they will need to verify from someone currently at that business, if that’s not possible, explain why. If self-employed, then your self assessment from HMRC for the years.

    Note that most companies won’t even proceed if they can’t verify your employment records unless they’re really desperate.

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