I guess more so I’d like to know how it should work overall rather than fussing about the coffee bit because I don’t do coffee

Edit I don’t drink anything other than water

  1. Order tea I don’t drink coffee but most coffee places have tea if you don’t like tea may hot chocolate if you don’t like hot chocolate then I don’t know order water although if I’m being honest I would think it was weird if they ordered water I can’t back up why but it just would be

  2. Go to a coffee shop and take a look at all the things they have to offer. Hot chocolate, tea, Italian flavored sodas.
    Find one you like and roll with it.
    You can share a pastry if you both are feeling snacky. The activity of tearing apart a croissant, taking turns and getting a little messy is a good way to bond.
    Assume you will pay for both of you if you are a guy.

  3. Easy, you don’t. Coffee dates are very low effort. I would recommend something a bit more……fun. For not only your date but for yourself as well. As you mentioned, you don’t even drink coffee. Go do something you would enjoy.

  4. Chatting with a total stranger over an overpriced cup of coffee or tea is really not my idea of a date. Activities are dates. Like go karts or an arcade or golf or any activity really.

  5. Suggest a different place. Or just have a snack. Coffee dates are usually just en excuse for meeting during the day as oppose to the evening. Suggest a stroll in a park they can grab a cup of joe on the way.

  6. Order a water then. Also start drinking coffee it’s good for you and an enhancer with no side effects.

  7. Here’s how I do coffee dates:

    Her: Are you up for coffee?

    Me: I’d prefer cocktails in a low-key place, to be honest. Or, if you’re not a drinker maybe chips and queso and your beverage of choice.

    Her: Ok, awesome / Unmatch

    Me: *happy either way*


    Coffee dates suck.

  8. However you like, tbh. I don’t think many women (myself included) would care if you actually order coffee, opt for a tea/latte, or even just order a dessert.

    I think the main appeal of coffee dates if they’re pretty cheap, out in public, and low commitment (easy to end quickly if things aren’t going well but can just as easily be drawn out if there’s a good vibe.)

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