Hi, I’m a first time poster on a throwaway, on mobile, sorry for format.

I’m 30F, married to 35M, in an open poly marriage. My husband and I have a great relationship and great sex. He is very supportive of my poly endeavors as I am his. We are honest and open, but due to where I live, typically my poly partners and I interact virtually. This has brought out in me a new kink that I’m exploring wherein I send nude photos and videos. There’s honestly nothing in the last few years that excites me more than sending visual content to my partners. Today, my current partner suggested I try creating spicy content and sharing it with others online. My problem is that I’m 215 lbs, 6’, not your average spicy content creator. I know there is spaces for people like me online, bbw and mature, etc. I don’t want to be fetishized bc im bigger or older. I want to make content that anyone can enjoy. Is there room for me in the current corn content space? Is there a specific platform where I won’t be heckled for being bigger or older? To clarify, I love my body, am in the gym several times a week, and have an alternative look that isn’t your typical mature content. Not looking for reassurance , just looking for a space that’s right for me to help fulfill my fantasies. Also, profit/money not an issue. I have a good paying job. Looking to scratch an itch posting content online. TIA!

  1. Different strokes for different folks. People can be attracted to all sorts of different things. I haven’t heard anything in this post that sounds very niche. Pick a platform you’re comfortable with and go for it 🤷‍♂️

  2. We’ve had great success on the r/nofans & r/hotwifecallenges. Both have been very supportive communities that we’ve entertained.

    I hope you do post somewhere, and find an even greater appreciation for your new found explorations! Good luck!

  3. I think Reddit is probably a good platform for what you’re describing. As far as subreddits to post on, there’s so many. It’s kind of trial and error to find a good one that fits your taste and gets interaction… but if my mediocre, male self can do it, I really don’t think you’ll have much trouble!

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