So as the titles says?

  1. Sucks i guess lol. I haven’t had a real friend since middle school. (I graduated highschool almost 2 years ago)

  2. Pretty bad. Social situations are very confusing. It makes other males want to fight you. Women hate you and you have no idea why. So even if you wanted to change something you don’t know what to change. Thanks mom. I hope you burn in hell.

  3. Welp, I’m my experience: it sucks because striking up a conversation is difficult to begin with, and keeping it alive is even more difficult without letting it shrivel up into awkward silence or meaningless small talk. How to properly end conversations? Don’t know that lol.

    There may be things you are dying to say or do but since you don’t have the skill to bring ‘em to life they just stay within you. It’s like trying to type out a great joke or comment on a glitchy phone and trying to send it in a super active chatroom, where the topic changes every 1-2 seconds.

    Then there are countless social unspoken rules. You may say or do (or don’t do, idk) something that seems harmless to you but it’s actually (kind of) important, and now you come across as a dick, obtuse or maybe even lose someone’s respect. And bc you don’t have social skills you don’t know how to fix.

    Keeping up with people is truly. Exhausting. You feel like you walk on eggshells all the time because you have to put genuine effort to not appear as a plant instead of a person.

    Thankfully these things can be improved if you put in the work but still it’s such a pain sometimes…

  4. Think about a city specifically designed for motorists, where everyone has cars and whizzing around in varying speeds constantly they never have to leave their vehicle for anything. And you are the only one that doesnt have a vehicle capable of any kind of mobility. So you have to walk everywhere, cross streets where noone is familiar with waiting for pedestrians to cross streets.

    And add into the mix the pressure of “keeping up and competing with the other motorists who has cars, while you are on foot”, and you get the hell-scape we call having no social skills.


    And it doesnt even end there, there are three ways to make it worse if you succumb to these facts;

    1- Other motorists didnt get their vehicles themselves like you have to do, they mostly inherited their vehicles from the stable families that they had.

    2- You also have no way of acquiring a vehicle or making one for yourself from scratch.

    3- Other motorists will also be **constantly** mocking and bullying you for not having a vehicle.

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