When I ask people for information it’s a lot harder than google. Why is this? I suspect the people I ask to know the answers to the specific questions I have because I’ve been advised so by sources online. I have a lot of questions that people deem personal but the people I’m told are close enough to answer them don’t have answers or seem to hide them.

  1. Fuck people, they’re a waste of time and energy, and often inaccurate and full of themselves. And their bullshit fake “confidence” might serve them well in getting ahead, but it won’t do much to get useful information. Google and Reddit are our friends, mostly.

    If it can’t be found in a quick search, it’s not common knowledge, meaning that answer can’t be searched, it’s gotta be lived. Often the case with questions resulting in boilerplate or inaccurate answers too.

  2. My strategy is just to be friendly and have engaging conversations similar to the shit you want. I hire people and there are question in interviews I’m not allowed to ask but I cant stop them telling me. Get good at being charismatic and engaging; spend at least 20 mins talking to someone.

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