What is something you wish your mother did while you were growing up?

  1. Taught me how to be an independent human instead of trying to shelter me from the world. She died when I was 23 and I barely had any adult skills, suddenly fending for myself

  2. Quit drugs, alcohol, or letting her ‘other’ take over.

    Leaving was probably the best thing she did, she just didn’t do enough of it.

  3. Probably tell you that your value as a viable mate for men begins to diminish after the age of 25, and by 35, you are practically worthless to most men you would like to get married to.

  4. Nothing, I’m 46 years old and spend zero time worrying about what my mommy did or didn’t do when I was a kid.

  5. Teach me our native language. I would have benefited in so many ways if I had learned. She has never given an exact reason as to why she only spoke English to us and not both English and Cree. Perhaps it was the shame from residential/day schools? I don’t know.

  6. Oh boy, how long do you have? haha
    Mothers tend to do a lot of things they shouldn’t be doing, specially to their sons. Perhaps a list of few things that you shouldn’t be doing.
    I hope this will help someone out there.

    – Lying for whatever reason. You want him to be honest with you, so why are you as his mother allowed to lie to him? All you end up doing is showing that lying is no big deal.

    – Sleeping around (not all mothers do this, but might as well add it) This doesn’t just damage his trust in you as mother, but it damages his trust in women over all.

    – Taking away his dad. Worst thing you can do is lying about who his father is and making sure he doesn’t get to see his dad due to your selfish behavior. It will absolutely ruin your son’s life sooner then you realize.

    – Divorce is not an option until your kids are 18 years old. You wanted kids, then you must take care of them. Regardless of what your feelings tell you, stick with it or they will end up hating you for it.

    – Trying to overpower him with your body (trying to play fight with him). You are not his father, don’t try to act like it. He needs to learn such things from his dad as he can teach his son better how to act, how to treat others and how to fight if he ever needs it. You as his mother can not fill in that role as you have no idea of what a man is capable of. Sooner or later you end up hurting either your son or he will hurt you (unintentional during play fighting)

    – Admit you are wrong when you are indeed wrong. Not once, but show being honest is a good thing. Else you will find him in his teens on the streets with gangs and other bad individuals. Which obviously easily can end up ruining his life due to bad decisions.

    – Teach him to be independent. This by not only focusing on house hold things, but by actually teaching him what he needs to do in what situation. Including teaching him finances. All life skills a modern human being need will be on your shoulders and that of his dad. This task however you can NEVER complete on your own, he will need to learn from his dad or he will end up failing in life at least to some degree.

  7. This is kind of weird but, I wish my mom would form her own opinions about things. Every time my mom would spend time with one of her friends she would completely adopt their opinions as her own for a while. Including about parenting. The rules around our house would literally change. One day I’m being told to do something, the next I’m literally being screamed at for doing that. Distant relative visited, all new rules. Talked to a random person at church, completely different beliefs. I literally feel like I have no idea who my mother really is as a person. I talk to her now and her political opinions are totally random depending on who she spent time with last. One of my siblings was really into MLM’s and you could tell who my mom talked to last if she was telling me all about how it was a total scam, or if herbal remedies were better than lying doctors. It just makes me sad.

    I don’t care what you believe in, just believe in it. -Shepherd Book

  8. Let me choose my own sports instead of forcing me into one that did nothing for my health…as well as social life

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