Leadership to me, like other social skills, is learned as I get older and have responsibilities that force me to lead in everyday situations. I also move up in corporate ladder and learned to lead by proper training. But I feel like leading is an exhausting task and I don’t feel like doing it all the time. Like when I get home and play online games for example, I don’t wanna be a leader and making decisions. I just wanna relax and follow other’s lead. This makes me wonder what natural born leaders do, at their natural state. Do you always enjoy leading? Does it even feel like a task?

  1. I don’t know if anyone is a natural born leader, but some people have to put in less effort to convince everyone that they’re a leader than others do.

  2. No matter what corporate America or wherever you’re country may be if you’re not American may tell you, not everyone is meant to lead, and that’s ok.

    If you find that’s you, as I have in my 36 years shown I’m best as a follower or assistant/advisor/consultant type role, go with it. Be unapologetically who you are. And don’t you dare let anyone tell you otherwise. Kick hustle culture right in that spot it wishes its nuts could be.

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