what do you do if the guy you’re dating/boyfriend keeps going to clubs and wants you to tag along but you’re not into all that at all.. he goes with his male friends because it’s fun. i on the other hand am much more introverted and shy so i’m really not a fan of crowds and people. he finds it annoying when i don’t want to and i feel like i’m a party pooper

is this a sign of incompatibility ? :’)

  1. Not really,he might not like doing certain activities that you enjoy,but that doesn’t make it seem it’s incompatible to make the relationship work.

  2. I think it might be incompatibility. I run into this problem a lot which hinders my dating pool. Every girl I date is usually a homebody because I myself do not like going to clubs or to bars or any of that really. Just takes a long ass time to find those kind of people.

  3. It’s not a sign of incompatibility unless you guys make it one.

    >he finds it annoying when i don’t want to and i feel like i’m a party pooper

    This line is concerning. If he gets annoyed you won’t attend that’s more of an incompatibility than you just not wanting to go.

  4. Everything you’ve written sounds like absolutely glaring signs of incompatibility

    Why do you want to date this guy? It doesn’t sound like you have much in common

  5. It sounds like on paper you guys balance one another out. Meaning you are an introvert and he is an extrovert. If It were me I would break up with him and find someone else that is mature enough to understand balance.

  6. It’s definitely something you should take time to consider if you’re comfortable with. If he partakes in activities you enjoy that he doesn’t then I think you should (every once in awhile) go out with him. Not having all the same interests is totally normal. What makes it work is when both people are willing to compromise a little to make their partners happy. This is good as long as neither is over-compromising and both are putting in effort. If on the other hand he’s getting annoyed and he doesn’t join you in activities in the same way then I’d reevaluate if this is a fulfilling relationship for you or not.

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