My ex girlfriend (she dumped me) said she needs to focus on herself and she isn’t mentally stable at the moment. She has been dealing with college work our own apartment together and the relationship. She was under a lot of stress. She said she needs space and said maybe we can try again in the future but don’t hold onto that.

We had that perfect relationship I gave her everything I possibly could. She was my first love and first person I made love to. First kiss first person I cried to. She showed me how to love and how to be a good person. She helped me grow. We were together for 3 years she said I’m the only person that made her feel wanted we both imagined a future together. Having kids together getting married. The same day we broke up we were playing Minecraft together. She was saying how she wanted my kids. We were remembering how we both got prom king and queen together. I love her. And miss her. I took things for granted what can I do?

When we moved in together I realized I started being a little lazy I wouldn’t do as much as I should and I played my game way to much i feel like I’m the reason I pushed her so far I want her back I’ve been changing and focusing on me. I never hit her once. I be done wrong I watched porn one time and regretted it. she found out. I was gonna tell her but I need the courage first.

I’ve been in no contact for two weeks now trying to win her back. I’ve been working on myself and growing as a person I picked up new hobby. I do it for myself.

Will I ever have a chance with her again. Will she come back?

TLDR: Want her back. Been changing and working on myself giving her space like she asked. Will she take me back?

  1. No one knows. All you can do now is grieve the relationship and move on with the assumption that she won’t. Don’t base your decisions around getting her back; just take care of yourself and work on healing.

  2. Instead of “will I ever have a chance with her” change your mindset to “I will change myself so that she will want to have another chance with me”.

    And if she wont, you will be much more attractive for other girls, as a side-effect. Working on yourself is always a win-win situation.

  3. I’m not really seeing what it is that you need to work on?

    You got a little lazy once you moved in and played games for longer than she would like? Ok, it happens, she points it out and you adjust.

    Porn? Once? And you have to tell your gf about it? This is just silly. If the urge strikes and you need a little help finishing, why can’t you do that? Does she have to control every orgasm you have? ( I don’t even watch but have no issue with it)

    So she’s stressed, if she can’t handle a relationship and regular life stress at the same time, it kinda seems like she needs to do some work, not you.

  4. When she said maybe in the future but don’t hold on she was trying to put you down gently. But it’s actually cruel. It’s giving you a false hope.

    Sounds like this is your first break up. That’s rough and I’m sorry you’re going through it. It’s gonna hurt for a while but it will stop. But you have to want to move on. She ended your relationship. Don’t stay stuck in hoping she comes back.

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