Hi. I’m 25(f), and I am always overreacting and exaggerating things during conversation.
Overreacting part is if someone says something… I ended up thinking about the thing the whole day and just worrying about it. But, on the other side, I also exaggerate my talk and sometimes even lie about it.
Every time, I regret saying things and apologize to my friends, but I keep repeating this mistake.

  1. Overthinking, overreacting, anxiety, nervousness, and fear go hand in hand with being idle in life. You need to be actively doing things in life, whether it be pursuing your goals, hobbies, or passions. The more idle you are, the more you will excessively worry about others.

    Also, stop apologizing to people unnecessarily. It does more harm than good. The truth is you aren’t sorry for overreacting, especially since you keep doing it over and over again. It’s a subtle validation seeking behavior by yourself. You simply just want people to reassure you and tell you that they are fine with you. People know when an apology is sincere versus when it isn’t. Also, apologizing unnecessarily shows a lack of confidence too,

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