There’s this girl I work with, she’s really cute and is pretty alright to talk to (though to be honest I don’t know much about her and have had few conversations) but she’s incredibly quiet, never striking up a conversation with anyone but will always be open to anyone talking to her, and responding in a really friendly bubbly way.

I want to get to know her better but I’m not sure if she’d be into the idea – especially since I’m a slightly awkward dude.

  1. Don’t make the decision for her. It sounds like you are assuming she won’t want to because you are an awkward guy, not because some reason that she wouldn’t want to.

    When a woman is attracted to a guy, thry translate “he’s so awkward” , into “he’s so cute”

    Ask her out, be your glorious, awkward self. She will either like you, or she won’t.

    The fact is, you don’t even know if you want to date her, all you are trying to do here is find out if YOU are interested in a second date. Which there is a 50 /50 chance that you won’t be.

  2. She seems introverted and shy. You should absolutely go for it, because a lot of women are NOT comfortable making the first move from what I’ve seen. So it leaves the responsibility to you. If you’re not okay with asking girls out, it may make it hard for you to find someone.

    I say give her a compliment first. One that seems genuine and distinctive from most compliments you hear. Talk about her hair or her smile or whatever good feature she has and then just go for it. If she’s friendly, the worst she could say is “no, sorry”. Don’t take it so seriously if she does, rejection is something you’ll have to go through some point in your life.

  3. Keep talking to her until you’re sure she’ll say yes.

    Sounds like you are still in some way not familiar with her that much. Why not talk to her more first until she’s more comfortable and go from there.

  4. If you’re the type of person who ruminates about it, being sure is better than pretty sure. She saying yes or she saying no are both preferable to you wondering about what she’ll say over and over again.

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