The Star Wars prequels and sequels get a lot of hate, but I actually enjoy them (except for Rise of Skywalker). What are some that you like?

  1. Willow (it actually was very badly received back in the day, and wasn’t a commercial success at all); I think that it was a great movie.

  2. Well I enjoyed all of the SW movies, so there! haha

    But to keep answering the question I didn’t think the Matrix sequels were all that bad except maybe the latest one. I was just kinda lost with that one. There are some movies that people just don’t seem to understand anymore that I like such as the Monty Python movies or The Blues Brothers. I thought the last Indiana Jones movie was just fine. They’re TV shows but I also enjoyed watching the Marvel shows that have come out the last few years.

  3. Dude Where’s My Car.

    It’s like the worst movie ever on the first watch, but if you see it again it just keeps getting better. I know so many people who hate that movie and I find it hilarious.

  4. Yeah, I like all things Star Wars. Sure, some is better than others but I have fun watching regardless.

    I enjoyed Indiana Jones & the Temple of the Crystal Skull too. Is it better than some of the other films in the franchise? No. And so what?

    If a movie is an obvious popcorn blockbuster type then it has only one job to do – kill a couple hours and entertain me. If it did that, it will get a thumbs up from me.

    People who take these kinds of movies super seriously and get all mad about stuff need to get a life!

  5. *Cloud Atlas*. And you’ll never convince that the only reason it’s so disliked is not because people can’t sit and focus for 20 minutes, let alone 3 hours.

  6. Waterworld.

    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    Sucker Punch (for the art direction, not the story).

    Battleship. This is for real a guilty pleasure. I know it’s bad but I love it.

  7. The Postman (1997)

    People seem to loathe that movie but I thought it was fine. Not a “must own” quality movie, but certainly a “I enjoyed watching it” one.

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