(Im a 17 y/o male and she’s a 16 y/o female)

For context: I am in highschool and she is in my psych class. We were learning about the specifics of the eye (cornea, retina, etc) and I told her once she had beautiful scleras and she laughed. That gave me an idea…

I plan on asking this girl out by walking up to her and saying, “you got a minute? It took me a while to build up the optic nerve to say this, but I can’t help but notice how beautiful your retinas are. I know that line is a little cornea, but can we exchange numbers, I’d love to ‘see’ you more!”.

Now I know this sounds weird, but she’ll know I’m joking. For comedy purposes to make the moment better (and to boost her chances of saying yes), should I say this, or just keep it simple and say she’s beautiful. Thanks.

TLDR: I wanna ask a girl out but not sure if the way I ask her out is gonna turn out well. I want to stand out. Not sure if there’s attraction but I want to build some over a date.

  1. If you’re gonna ask her out, be direct and be serious so it puts your confidence forward. “Hey, I’ve seen you in class and I think you’re real cool. You wanna go get coffee sometime?” Then you get her number.

    You do it this way because getting her number isn’t the goal, the goal is going on a date. If you only have her number then you’ll still need to build up the courage to ask her out, and then you’ll be tempted to do it over text, which sucks. It’s best to be up front about how you feel and not beat around the bush.

    Also don’t compliment her looks and then ask her out, it’ll make it seem like you only want to go out with her because you think she’s hot. There’ll be plenty of time for you compliment her appearance and be a punny cornball after you start dating. Good luck!

  2. If she wants to go out with you, it probably won’t matter how you ask, so just do whatever feels natural.

  3. Please do not say that. It will not help your chances of her saying yes, it will highly increase your chances of embarrassing yourself. Just be straight forward, “hey, was wondering if you’d want to hangout sometime. Maybe I can get your number?” . Something along those lines. If she says no it’s not big deal. There’s literally nothing embarrassing about being rejected aslong as your casual about it

  4. Get some friends, be interesting and once you are doing something say “hey, my friends and I are going to this event/party/thing, care to join us?” Women like social proof. If you are a nobody she has no motivation to get to know you.

  5. NO

    You told it once and it worked excellent as icebreaker.

    Now be quick to change frequency with her, otherwise u ‘ ll be the permanent nerd in her eyes.

  6. That’s cringe but if a guy said that to me it would have worked. Lmao it’s like a nerdy thing idk. Shoot your shot..

  7. She might cringe and think its corny depends on the girl tho only you know her personality if shes really kind and soft spoken than sure

  8. What you’ve made up here would be cute on paper. In person? A little much.

    If you’re too nervous to request a date verbally, write this all down in a card and hand it to her!

  9. That line is something you say on tinder as a goof. I agree with others about just being direct and casual about it. Don’t make it some nerve-racking serious convo.

  10. I’d write it down and give it to her as a note, maybe with ypur number instead- like is it a little corny, yeah, but taking yourself too seriously isn’t hot either. The creativity is so much better than a normal asking out line and feels like, if you went on a date, you’d actually put in effort.

    Personally, even if I wasn’t into the guy before, I’d have said yes to a date with a guy who worked this hard (assuming I felt like he was a safe guy). If I was already a little flirty with him I’d be way into it, and I don’t know any friends who would dislike it. Even laughing about how dorky it is later would be fun- and if it was too cheesy for her, is she even going to be that much fun to date long term?

  11. I think that’s super cute on paper; if you were asking her out via note or text I would say go for it!
    In person though, it’s a little long-winded. might be better to ask her directly. Then on a date, you can woo her with all your cheesy puns!

  12. You are just lovely 🥰

    I think only you know what approach she’ll like best.

    Personally, I think sincerity is great. It’s bold, and it doesn’t hide (behind humour). But it does leave you wide open, unfortunately we can’t always avoid taking risks. (I’ll be taking some of my own advice in the next week… Shooting my shot with a guy 🫠).

    If you do go with sincere, say less about how you like the way she looks, and more about how you like who she is.

    Fingers crossed she says yes, and if she doesn’t, you can always message her the puns as an ice-breaker with something like this:

    “I’m kinda bummed about today, I knew I should have ran with (insert optical puns). Oh well 🤷‍♀️ I hope we can still be friends, and thanks for being cool about me shooting my shot.”

    Good luck and keep us updated 🙂

  13. In my experience whether or not a line works is entirely based upon the woman’s attraction to you. If she’s not attracted it’s a no. If she is, it’s a yes.

    So I say give it a shot, if she says no it won’t be because of your line.

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