Venting and a question at the same time:
There’s this girl in one of my classes that I find attractive and I want to talk to her and get to know her better to see if something can spark out of it. The thing is we sit kinda far from each other in class and we don’t move around and it’s kind of like a lecture so talking to her during class is not possible. After that class I never see her throughout the day other than maybe after leaving class and at the end of school sometimes. I feel like a child in middle school again asking how to approach a girl. I just need help knowing what would be the best way to go about talking to her, getting to know her and if things go right, avoiding the friend zone. Also how do I stop thinking like a timid boy when it comes to talking to girls?

1 comment
  1. after class if you can naturally approach her, ask, “ Hey, my name is ___, do you have a boyfriend? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I think you’re really cute”


    or if that;s too direct for you, maybe, “Hey, I’m (your name), could I get your number?”


    if she rejects you, say, “That’s alright man/ no worries, I just had to shoot my shot ya know (implies you think she’s that pretty). Have a good day!”


    speaking from experience, thats how guys asked me out and responded when I turned them down. We were both nice to each other and even if nothing happened between those guys and I, no one was embarrassed or felt awkward.

    ‘If your only intention is to be romantically Involved, then don’t bother trying to be friends with her. Because she will feel sad to lose you as a friend when she realizes you were only her friend to ask her out. So just be honest with your intentions from the get go, like “I want to get to know you better”.


    and remember, don’t care too much, she’s probably just like you. We‘re all ordinary people.

    sorry my caps thing is broken lol so everything is in lowercase

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