So I am in med school and I have notice that my roommate and me hasn’t really gotten closer at all. We met over the summer and it seem like we might hit it off. I was extremely excited to room with someone as I didn’t like rooming by myself. But looking back at it, I wonder if I made the right decision.

During the first week, he didn’t even try to speak to me in class. Also he was very critical in how I talked. He spent the first two weeks not really trying to get to know me and he would cut me off everytime I talked.

He also found friends and made a strong cliche but I was invited. The thing is that I knew these people personally and they never thought to include me in. I also ended up being unpopular for 3 months and he didn’t try to help me at all. Being that he is popular, I thought he would at least try to give me credit but instead he lets me fend for myself most times.

He even admitted that he doesn’t like some of the people I hang out with because they are wierd in his eyes. So I took this as the reason why he doesn’t invite me to his group.

Anyways I question this because it seems like everyone loves him but I don’t feel like we are bonding in a smiliar way. He only calls me to clean or get food. And he never initiates other convos. He even called me out for not cleaning the house in front of everyone randomly even though he dirties up most of it.

People of reddit, do you think im being punked. If so, how do I make a stand to it.

  1. I don’t think you’re being punked, it just doesn’t sound like he wants to be your friend. that’s not something to make a stand about, it’s just something that happens sometimes. not everyone is going to be friends with everyone else all of the time.

  2. He isn’t a friend, he’s a roommate. He’s behaving like a roommate, not a friend. Everyone has that personal choice, so it is what it is.

  3. He’s a roommate. Think about his behaviour to you. Has he been kind? Considerate? Have you made a connection? Is he a friend? I think you know.

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