Hi everyone, so all the signs, really, if you look at it, say I am being played or taken for a ride. I just want to know if I’m not overthinking things. So I saw this girl on my for you page on TikTok. That’s already should probably be a reflection, LOL. Anyway, so I saw her bio, and it says she’s a mother of two and a gamer girl mom. I thought okay, cool, so I asked her if she wanted to play a game, and she said sure, so we started playing Fortnite and let her join up with some of my friends. And then we started talking 1 on 1, and it became flirtatious. So now we’re kind of questioning if we want to make a make start dating or not just be friends. She’s just talking about we both like sex, we both are goofy, and we click. I know that’s not enough to be in a relationship definitively. I just wanted to make that known. As we live states away like one of us would have to fly to see the other person.

But what got me questioning everything is that she still lives in an apartment but not with her baby daddy. Like he is in a different part of the apartment that they’re staying in. Plus, she doesn’t work she’s a stay-at-home mom, and she babysits her nephew, for I believe she said 250 per day / week. Also, if anyone’s curious, she is a Leo. I don’t know if that really adds or takes away from anything. I just wanted it to be known.

But she is really giving the vibe of she is into me, but at the same time, I’m just hesitating right now. Right now, we’re just friends but still a bit flirtatious. So I tripping or no. Because she could be someone trying to get back on her feet and genuinely found a good connection, or maybe I’m wrong, and she just belongs to the streets.

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