So I went to a goth club for an early 00s emo themed rave and met a really cute guy while waiting to get in, we talked about arts & crafts and then split off. Later, I ran into him again on the dance floor, and we talked about our favorite birds and then split off again. Later, we bumped into each other again and talked a bit more turns out he’s studying to be an astrophysicist and lives one town over from me, and he offers to give me a ride home which I agree cause the person I normally crash with after raves wasn’t at the club that night so I would have been out on the streets till the busses starting running again. On the drive home, we talk about D&D and our most favorite character that we’ve ever played. Before dropping me off, we trade numbers, and I tell him to text me when he gets home to know that he got there safe.

So, needless to say, I’m super interested in this guy, he’s my type, we have a lot of shared interests, and he lives close by the problem is I’m 31, and he’s 22. I feel super conflicted cause I know 22 is like adult age, but it’s still such a big gap, and I don’t want to come off as a creep. I’d even be fine just being friends and having someone to play D&D with, but IDK what to do.

1 comment
  1. Be friends. I’m 21 and have a guy friend who’s 27. We go to karaoke together. I even gave him relationship advice (which is hilarious because I’m Ace and he’s Bi) and we just hang out when we’re free. Invite him to D&D and either you’ll figure out if you wanna pursue him, or your brain will decide for you.

    Age-gap rule of thumb says this difference is fine and it’s only gonna become more acceptable as you get older, but consent is vital so I suggest you get his take on it.

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