Bread has become increasingly expensive in recent years, and lately prices seem to be skyrocketing.

Was today in a regular, average supermarket in Austria and the prices for bread are, depending on the type, 5-10 euros per kg. In a bakery, the bread is rather even more expensive.

For millennia a staple of the poor is increasingly becoming a luxury product.

How much does average bread cost in the regular store in your town?

  1. Romania: For the fancy one, around 7-15 lei, so let’s round up and say 2-3 euro / kg.

    The cheaper one is like 1 euro /kg

  2. I’m very surprised that bread is so expensive in AT.

    I just bought on 1kg of rye bread for 1.4 €. Rarely eat white bread so idk the exact price of that in DK but certainly not 5 €

  3. Around Paris, a baguette is at 1 / 1,2€, considering that it should weight around 250g, so that’s 4 to 4,8€ per kg

  4. A tasteful loaf of bread of the local bakery ; € 3,10. A tasteless loaf of bread of the local supermarket € 1,89.

    I don’t know the weight of such loaf of bread. But one loaf is approximately 20 slices of bread.

  5. At my local bakery across the street,1kg of bread (rolls) is about 5 euros.

    That is almost double the price of 1 year ago.

  6. I don’t think of bread by weight naturally so I had to dig around a bit to find out, but our most bought artisan/craft bread comes in at about 2-3€/kg including delivery. At a supermarket you can probably get a cheap premade sliced loaf for closer to 1.5€/kg.

    Obviously you can pay a lot more if you want to!

  7. The cheapest one in grocery stores would be in the range 1.20€ – 1.50€/kg. I prefer homemade buckwheat bread; in shop such bread goes from 4.50€/kg

  8. First price kneip costs around €1 sourdough baguette is around €6 (supermarket prices)

  9. Black bread: 2-5 €/kg

    Most common is around upper 3-s. Grocery store stuff, bakeries are not *really* a thing here. Sure, they exist, but they are not the place where most people buy their bread.
    White bread seems to be about the same.

  10. Some popular examples from [Willys]( grocery chain. You can sort by either popular or by cheapest/expensive per item/kg

    – French loaf – 1:66 €/kg (cheapest)
    – Original Toast Sliced – 2:90 €/kg
    – Mini Baguette Natural – 3:30 €/kg
    – *Skogaholm* Loaf Sliced – 3:39 €/kg
    – Levain Wheat – 4:59 €/kg
    – Grand Levain Sourdough – 5:44 €/kg
    – Protein bread – 8:69 €/kg (most expensive)

  11. Regular bread at a regular store/supermarket – 1-1.5eur/kg

    Fancy bread at a supermarket – up to 3(ish) eur/kg

  12. Belgium: 3-3.5 euro at bakery for delicious fresh bread. Around 2 euro in the supermarket. This is for a loaf of bread around 800g so lets say max 4 euro per kg.

  13. Regular wheat-rye(most common type) 1 kg bread is around 1.50 €. Ofc other types(potato, rye, flax etc…) can cost 2x more.

  14. Most breads are in 3-5€/kilo range but higher for more specialty breads is not unusual.

    Compared to other items bread didn’t get much more expensive recently, but I do remember a time about 5ish years ago when prices raised quite a lot with no explanation.

  15. I don’t eat much bread at all, but a regular white or brown sliced pan from Lidl is around 90c afaik, and an actual good pan is still less than €2

  16. What type of bread do you eat? A Tiroler Brot from the Mann bakery costs 4,16 per kilo. And that is a tasty good bread. The Mischbrot is about a 3 EUR per kilo and that’s not even looking at the discount bread.

    Sure you can buy ultra premium bread with 20 types of cerials used and some exotic super food mixed in for the seasoning. But normal bread, nope.

  17. The one I buy is really expensive. 14€/kg in the bakery, but it’s one of those loaves that’s pretty much all seeds so naturally that’s more expensive. The normal standard loaf of sour dough rye bread is 3,40€/kg in the same bakery.

  18. Crazy, right? Italian panettone in spar is 3.99 for 500g – cheaper than most of the local bread in the same supermarket.

  19. In Helsinki, usually 8-10€ a kilo of freshly baked bread in a supermarket. More depending on the loaf. A kilo of cheap sliced bread is around 3-4€.

    I often see 400g loaves cost over 5€ in supermarkets.

  20. For the first time in a long time I bought toast bread, 1 kilo for 3 euros here in Sweden. Normally I buy flour and bake my own bread and that cost me 45 cent per loaf and I get 40 loaf per bag and that last me about 2 month and no, we dont do 20 loafs per month, I do dessert too.

  21. I just checked. The organic brand bread I bought at Billa yesterday is € 3,50/kg. What fancy supermarket do you go to?

  22. I think Lidl still has ridiculously cheap bread for some 1,5€, at a bakery you wouldn’t get a kilo below 4€

  23. A common loaf size is 800g here, and it costs about £1.50. So about €2 for 1kg or something like that? Food is fairly cheap here still, although it’s getting more expensive, like everything else.

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