Hey guys

I’m kinda new to this whole sex thing and this post will definitely be deleted in a little bit but I’m looking for some advice

I have been talking to this girl for some time now and we’ve tried to have sex a handful of times now. Multiple times I wasn’t able to get hard, probably a mix of nervousness and alcohol definitely didn’t help, but I haven’t been able to do it and have a good time. I’ll finger her or whatever for a little bit, or even give her head but when I go to have sex, it still feels dry and not enjoyable for me. She is wet and I’ve talked to her during it and she said that she felt good, like it wasn’t hurting her. I just don’t really know what’s going on

Some advice or follow up questions would be greatly appreciated

And full disclosure we communicate well and she is totally comfortable I just want a little help from an outside source. Thanks

  1. Are you using condoms? I have the same trouble with feeling dry and not enjoyable when I’m covered (never use that as an excuse to push someone to have unprotected sex, btw! Only go raw when you’re both comfortable, clean, and looking forward to the added level of intimacy). If it might be a condom problem, add a few drops of lube on the inside of your condom.

    If you’re not using condoms… you say she is wet – how wet? When it feels wet to your fingers, it isn’t necessarily wet or warmed-up enough for PIV. Make sure her body is ready to take you in. If you’re both kind of new to sex, then she might not even realize her body isn’t ready for penetration. Wetter is better, if you ask me!

    Just a thought – It would be ok to add some lube for both of your enjoyment when going natural of course. She probably won’t complain as long as you talk about it as wanting to increase pleasure for you both. Make sure it’s a comfortable water-based lube that she approves of.

  2. >still feels dry

    Some kinda lube. Wet Naturals Silky Supreme (not the water based one, it’s something else) feels slippery as hell. Put a few drops on your dick and see what it feels like then.

  3. Get some water based lube. That way you can still use it with condoms without worrying about it damaging the condom

  4. A, I’m sorry to hear that – first thing to know/embrace is that neither of you are broken. Okay? You’re going to find your way.

    Everybody’s different. (It’s a platitude I know but that’s because it’s true)

    It’s okay to just take your time with this, feel whatever you’re feeling, talking it out. If you want to you can read validated sources, like Family Planning or books that’ve been published in the past 5 years.

  5. Lube lube lube lube lube lube lube lube lube lube. Lube will solve all your problems. Cover your condom liberally with lube and have her rub some on her pussy.

    Some girls get wet like Niagara Falls. Some girls get wet like the little creek in your backyard.


    However I will say this. Her sexual arousal is what controls her wetness. For girls becoming fully aroused can take a while and involves much more than just physical touch. Have you talked about what turns her on? She might not know yet. Next time you meet her, try spending more time kissing and dry humping than you normally do. See what happens.

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