What’s the point of life?

  1. Living a life that makes you genuinely happy and finding friends or creating a family to enjoy it with.

  2. There isn’t one. You’re a happy accident, so do what makes you happy as long as it doesn’t interfere with other people doing what makes them happy.

  3. Crush your enemies; see them driven before you; and hear the lamentations of their woman.

  4. I don’t know. I ask myself daily.

    I don’t want to reproduce. I don’t want to be rich but I don’t want to be poor. I don’t want to be bored but I don’t want to do anything. I don’t want responsibilities but I don’t want total anarchy.

    We’re all worker ants on a larger scale the way I look at life and struggle to see it any other way. I shan’t conform… But I have to work or become homeless so I have no choice.

    I used to have dreams and ambitions but I think it’s all gone to shit since I upended my own life by doing some stupid shit that I can never resolve or undo.

    Eat, sleep, train, repeat is the only sorta thing that gets me through life these days.

  5. The only answer to this question is others opinions. There is no actual answer. Nobody actually knows what we are doing how or how we got here. It’s all speculation. Make your purpose whatever you want

  6. I was wondering this for a long time. Then I had my son. Now it’s all clear to me, make sure he has all the opportunities I didn’t.

  7. Your life? You decide.

    Life in general? Facilitating the heat death of the universe by leveling out energy gradients.

  8. To enjoy it as much as possible while also helping make it enjoyable for others and future generations.

  9. There isn’t one. You can create a reason for yourself or you can not, the world will keep spinning onward without you.

  10. I like to use the gta analogy. You spawn and create your character and improve on your character constantly. When you die, that is basically when you get ‘bored’ forever kinda thing. Also make a shit load of money and fuck like theres no tomorrow😉

  11. Meaning is individually determined. The point I have given to my life is to be as happy as possible even in situations where that is hard to accomplish

  12. Here’s my favorite Kurt Vonnegut excerpt:

    In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

    And God said, “Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done.” And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. “What is the purpose of all this?” he asked politely.

    “Everything must have a purpose?” asked God.

    “Certainly,” said man.

    “Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this,” said God.

    And He went away

  13. there is no point.
    The meaning of life is to be alive.
    Be completely alive and present inside of every moment.
    life is what you make of it.

  14. Adoption of responsibility. Life, by default, is characterized by suffering. It’s everywhere. So, do what you can to lessen that for yourself and those around you. Start small, remember to stay humble, and have gratitude for what you have.

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