ive been sexual w my boyfriend for around 3 months. usually we have the lights dim, but one day i was sucking his dick when the room was well lit. i noticed he had a large brown-red patch around his front inner thighs to the base of his balls, sort of life a large dry ring. he has pale white skin. i asked him what it was and he just said he didnt know, it doesnt itch but its dry, and he doesnt know when and how long he had it. i asked him again a second time and he quickly brushed it off and said idk.

i did some looking on google and can conclude it looks closest to jock itch. i dont know whether it came from hygiene issues. if his hygiene is bad then ofc im gonna have a problem. can i get infected? is it natural? idk what to think?

  1. It’s a fungal infection from sweat. Happens to a lot of guys that are highly active and sweat a lot. Get him some lotrimin and it will clear up in a couple weeks

  2. He needs to go to a doctor and get that cleaned up. Not sure I’d want to get involved until that’s done even if it isn’t an STI but I get quezzy easy about that kind of thing

  3. If it is basic jock itch, there is usually a pretty bad smell too and it can hurt pretty bad as well. I wouldn’t just assume it is jock itch if he doesn’t have other symptoms of it, but I would get to a doctor.

  4. If you’re active and you sweat and your thighs rub together it happens, I’ve had it happen to me and I’m pretty skinny, at least for me it’s not an infection it’s just abrasion, maybe recommend gold bond or some type of lotion to reduce the friction? At least for me it’s not a hygiene issue at all, it typically happens when I’m wearing looser underwear as well, so tighter boxer briefs work well to keep a barrier between the thighs so they’re not rubbing directly on each other.

  5. This is one of those crucial personal care topics that tends to not get discussed, for obvious reasons. But it’s not uncommon for guys to not even know what it is, or think it’s only something jocks get.

    What he needs:

    *OTC treatments – twice a day for 1-2 weeks. There are creams, lotions, powders, and sprays (liquid & aerosol).

    *More frequent washing of sheets, bath towels, etc. These spores can survive on fabric surfaces and you can continously excabertate the issue by recontaminating yourself.

    *Similarly, underwear and pants should not be worn repeatedly for days, especially during the treatment period. Might be standard practice for the best jeans, work pants, etc.

    *Daily applications of talc based powders can help prevent chaffing and irritation. You can’t always prevent sweating down there, but you can help limit its impact & effects. This can be used while treating and continued as needed for prevention.

    *Basic awareness of how it develops and being mindful & attentive to hygiene & laundry will help prevent it from continously reoccurring. For instance during the Texas summer heat I give myself a prevention spray about once a week to hopefully stall anything from progressing.

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