So my boyfriend/now ex (M29) broke up with me (F26) about a month ago after 5 years together over text. Long story short, he bought me a ring and then got scared so he ended it. Between that, conversations that we had after, and reflecting on our relationship I just don’t respect him as a person and realized he didn’t value me at all and he was never in it for us. Which has led me to not really be sad about the breakup and I’ve almost blocked him out of my memory. Since moving back home it feels like a reset almost and like us dating never happened.

I was with friends and bored so I downloaded Bumble and I matched with someone that I know from the gym. He’s really sweet but I’m not sure if it’s weird to try and start dating again after a month?

1 comment
  1. If you feel ready to get back in the game, that’s all that matters.

    If you go on a date or two and then feel like you’re not ready, that’s ok! Just be honest with yourself as well the guy.

    If you go on a date or two and are loving it, that’s ok too!

    Some people might have an opinion, but they’re not you nor are they living your life. Your feelings on this situation are the only ones that matter!

    Good luck and best wishes!

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