How do you deal with the fact that life is so unfair and is extremely unpredictable

  1. Life is part what happens to you but mostly how you react to it.

    Its that serenity thing too. Improve what you can change and accept the things you can’t

    As long as you keep working to improve things and rationally address the world as it is, most people can have a pretty good life.

  2. Find some one going through the same shit and vent your emotions to them, even if they don’t give feedback it feels good when you are understood by someone

  3. You learn to control what you can, react the best way you can to things you can’t control

    Also, if things are so unfair and unpredictable, is it because of you? You may have to take a hard look at yourself to figure out if it is how your mindset / expectations are that makes life so unfair and unpredictable

  4. Spend as much time with friends and loved ones as possible. Focus on the positive things you can control. Don’t hold yourself to too high a standard. And if you live to 70 and life is still unfair and unpredictable, commit to a life of terrorism.

  5. Life isn’t extremely unpredictable you have successfully woken up 1000s of times, your feet have never randomly given out, you trust all the modes of transport that you take, things around are so predictable that they follow a routine and u have the luxury of getting bored of it.

    Yes life has never and will never be fair but that just means sometimes the scale shifts in your favour sometimes it doesn’t. U need to be greatful for the time it works out for you and help the unlucky ones.

  6. Control what you can but learn to surrender control of everything else. You can’t predict the future, you can’t control every outcome, life hits you with curveballs, it is what it is. Be like a rock, when the river comes, allow the water to flow around you.

  7. The same way that I deal with inability to breathe underwater. None of it matters. It’s beyond my control, and I don’t need worry about it. The only thing in my control that I must concern myself with is myself—my choices and my actions.

  8. Just have to accept it and roll with the punches. Just do your best to live your life in stride and to become the best person that you can be.

  9. Same way I deal with all my other problems. Alcohol, burying my emotions, and diving into my work. Nobody cares.

  10. “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best” or as others might phrase it “you build a solid foundation”.

    It all comes down to resilience against the worst aspects of life and openness / being ready to take advantage of the opportunities that will present themselves to you.

  11. I decided life is like a roller coaster and it’s no fun if there are no ups… But you can’t have ups without downs. So whenever I have a down I just try and get through it with the understanding that having a low point will allow me to enjoy the highlight that much more.

    I also actively remove anything in my life that is dead weight.

  12. The moment we give up all hope amd expectations for the future is the moment we begin to live a life free from disappointment.

    Go read Arthur Schopenhauer, Emil Cioran and Thomas Ligotti’s *The Conspiracy Against The Human Race.* Better than any self help trash you’ll find out there imo.

  13. If you’re so inclined, you could explore religion. If you find one that works for you, whether it be one of the many sects of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, whatever it be, it can really bring a sense of stability to your life, especially in the absence of control of your life.

    If you aren’t into the whole religion thing and are disinclined to even try it out, I think looking into therapy is your best option. It helps you be more OK with where you are in life, and it can help you change your circumstances by giving you new insight to how you think and work.

  14. Well, I just roll with the punches! If I can do something, I try to, if not… embrace the suck and carry on

  15. Adapt and overcome.

    Dickhead boss skipped you for promotion? Find a new job.

    Friends don’t come around anymore? Find new friends, they probably weren’t your friends to begin with OR y’all grew apart and that’s ok. There are others out there with your same interests.

    Dog died? That fucking sucks. Morn them. Get a new pupper. Plenty out there that need your love and support.

    Friend or family member died suddenly or after a long battle? Yeah, that also fucking sucks. Celebrate their life though. Remember all the good times you had with them. It’s painful to remember the good times, sure, but it’s worth remembering them as it’ll put a smile on your face. Additionally (and unpopular opinion) if they were sick, think about the pain they were in and be happy they aren’t feeling that pain anymore. I watched a friend die of cancer and was glad she wasn’t in that pain anymore when she passed. Do I want her here? Fuck yeah! Do I want her here while she’s in that amount of pain? No, I don’t and it’s selfish to think otherwise.

    Car broke down and you don’t have the money to fix it? Sucks. Use it as an excuse to get healthy by riding a bike or walking until you do have the money. Also, scooters and mopeds are cheap. Sucks for the winter time but it’s something!

    Find a reason to see the positive every day. Even if it’s you made it through the day.

  16. How do you deal with the fact that 2+2=4?
    You don’t….. It is how it is.

    So life is how life is got to be…. Just accept it.

    Assuming that life has to be fair and predictable is simply absurd.

  17. what is there to deal with? do what you can, change what’s in your control (way more things than you might think), accept what you can’t control.

    Life is a wonderful thing.

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