TL;DR: my partner is not being transparent about his communications and involvement with a female friend.

We’ve been together for about a year and a half. About one year ago, he admitted to having feelings for his best friend for a brief period of time in 2020 but assured me that those feelings had 100% dissipated. They were roommates for several years before he moved in with me this summer. I get the feeling that she had or still has a lot of control drama over him. always mad at him for not being attentive enough, telling him not to invite me on a group trip. I let him know that that information made me feel made me feel jealous and emotionally vulnerable . I’ve told him that I’m uncomfortable with him spending time with her one on one or even in a group setting when I’m not there. I also asked that he be more transparent about how often they’re really communicating or seeing each other.

The other night I came home from a volunteer event, and he told me that they had met up at a cafe that evening spur of the moment. This made me pretty upset, because there was no prior notice or consideration of how this might make me feel. It’s also a setting that I explicitly said makes me very uncomfortable. he also wasn’t transparent about it. I know they stay in regular communication, but he never talks to me about it. He’s also never tried to arrange a time for us three to talk, or hang out. I only ever small talk with her in group settings. I sense he’s scared to bring her up in conversation.

He feels he’s never lied to me but I consider lies of omission, lying. I feel like I’m not being heard, and I don’t know what to say or do. I would never ask him to cut her out altogether but at the same time I need to set boundaries for my own sake. all else aside, this is an incredible relationship with high compatibility, and really open communication.

  1. The feelings he had for her haven’t dissipated. Don’t allow yourself to be somebody’s backup plan.

  2. If she wants him he’ll drop you like a shot. Don’t be anyone’s plan B. Plan B never becomes plan A.

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