Men of Reddit: do you dislike alcohol? If so, why?

  1. I am celebrating 30 days. I miss it, but it was ruining my self-esteem and I was walking down the path my parents and grandparents did. I hope I’m breaking the cycle.

  2. I’ve never tasted it and refused up to now at 26 years old

    Many life destroying alcoholics in my family from DUIs to wasting their kids college fund on booze to actively needing it to even have a simple conversation over breakfast due to anxiety

    I’m terrified I’ll like alcohol

  3. Hate the taste, and I want to be in complete control and not have my inhibitions lowered.

  4. 14 years now without it. I wish I never picked up that first drink. It caused a lot of problems for me and set me back in more ways than one. Good riddance!

  5. don’t like the way it tastes

    Don’t like what it does to my wallet

    I don’t like how it makes me feel afterwards

    I don’t like how I behave while I am drinking it

    Don’t like the hangover in the morning

    so why am i drinking this shit again?

  6. I like beer but I don’t drink. I have family members who struggle with addiction so that and smoking have never been appealing to me. I may have 2 beers a year.

  7. As a now adult male I consume it occasionally. I don’t enjoy beer, hard liquor can be mixed with stuff to dilute the suck, and cider is kinda like juice it’s okay. Nothing I really enjoy tho.

    I have a predisposition to dislike it from watching adults in my child hood experience negative consequence of consuming it too heavily. I also realized it was never a conscious decision to start consuming it heavily. I have a really cautious relationship with it and I would encourage everyone do the same.

    By consequence I mean financial, mental, physical, etc

  8. I don’t like the taste of alcohol. I have a relative that nearly died from drinking too much. My mom had a drinking problem that contributed to seizures. My dad died five years ago eight days from now from coronary artery disease as a result of numerous things, but alcohol was a big contributor.

    I can’t drink because I don’t want to follow in the footsteps of family members and I want to be there for my future son longer than my dad was for me.

  9. It doesn’t make me feel good. Seems other people feel happy and social and I just feel strange. I know I’m not sober but not worth the bad taste. I even drank to black out a few times in college because it’s what you do and I never acted any different according to people. I realized I prefer weed.

  10. Everything from beer, Wine and Spirits all smells like rubbing alcohol to me. Plus I just can’t get past the taste

  11. Not dislike but life is too busy to drink more than one drink. Hate being useless and hungover the next day, it’s expensive and also excess calories

  12. Not necessarily. But I take my health/fitness very seriously and it doesn’t fit into my meal plans. Occasionally I’ll have a drink socially, but that’s it.

  13. I don’t dislike it for the taste or it’s effects. I do it very rarely socially, but I’m excited you asked this question. So many people around me are addicts they can’t have fun without alcohol. I hate how much control alcohol has over my friends. Recently one close friend got a DUI. Fuck alcohol.

  14. I dislike alcohol because it’s not weed. I’ll drink from time to time, but it’s been years though. There’s been no reason to drink. But I smoke weed as a thing to do, and theres always things to do.

  15. Getting older, I dislike that it’s my biggest opportunity to meet new people (women specifically) on a regular basis

  16. I like being sharp minded. Alcohol dulls it for me. I don’t mind drinking but I have to be relaxing

  17. I don’t dislike the taste of alcohol. I just abhor what happens when you’ve consumed too much.

  18. It just doesn’t do much for me.

    It’s like asking about a soda you don’t like, like Canada dry. I can tolerate it, and sometimes I drink it socially, but I don’t “need it” in my life.

  19. Never tried it- but that lead to me taking care of drunk people.

    The crowd I was hanging around back then was so terrible and excessive with partying- the folks at the ER knew me by name.

    It brings out the worst in people and amplifies whatever you are going through right now.

  20. I hate that it’s ruined my life. Cost me my best years. The relationship with my family. And the love of my life.

    But even when I was going through a handle every two days, and dreading putting that first sip up to my lips, sometimes puking as I did it, I knew it was better than spending one more hour desperately wishing I could kill myself.

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