I’ve never really been great at flirting, I’m either always way too subtle and they never get the hint, or way too forward and weird them out. What are some good ways to flirt in this middle ground?

  1. Honestly, I don’t even try to flirt. I just act as myself. Some guys may be good at flirting, but I find when I just act natural and become easy to talk to, everything else falls into place, and flirting becomes natural.

  2. Flirting is mostly body language and vibe and less about what you say. You could make boring ass small talk and still be flirting.

    I can easily hold long eye contact with girls I’m interested in. I can get close, smile, or say something silly that comes off as playful or teasing. You don’t really do this with friends, other men, or women you’re not interested in.

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