For some reason I’m scared to manage my finances. I don’t feel like I can do it, yet I’m pretty good at budgeting. I think it is because Iow key have ADHD. I have a hard time keeping up.

  1. I have ADHD as well and I have no problem managing my finances so I know that you can do it too.

    You just have to make yourself get started, and make yourself stick with it.

  2. I get where you are coming from. I’m not a guy so can’t offer the male perspective, however I am ADHD and get how it can be intimidating. There are some great free resources available online and maybe even in your community to help you learn to expand your knowledge beyond simple budgeting and move into investing in your future. 🙂

  3. I use Mint, which helps with the most of the core stuff.

    I also set up my bank to auto-pay or remind me about various bills, which helps a lot as well

  4. I’m with ya man. I feel like im avoiding budgeting because it’ll force me to look at my expenses and likely make me realize that I’ve been carelessly losing a lot of money, which would make me feel bad about myself. And since I don’t like feeling bad – even if it’ll help me in the long run – I avoid it.

    It’s a very bad strategy

  5. Make your own spreadsheet on excel, color it, make formulas and rules for it, update it regularly for thirty days, if successful if you don’t update it you will FEEL anxious about it thus habit formed. Now make games to lower your daily, weekly, monthly, etc expenses on x expense or to increase your regular income. Learn to enjoy increasing your budget, and seeing your assets increase be it from career advancements, gifts, dividends, etc.

    Create **Rules** to follow that you will **Not** go back on. The emergency budget/account is just that, and once reached you don’t add or take from it unless it is an emergency. The long-term account is for adding only until xx age. The beverage budget does not go above xxx, the subscription limit is xxx, etc.

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