I’m wondering, why do guys just put it in before I or other women are really wet? That only takes some minutes for me. Like when they put it in before I am wet, it hurts. Doesn’t it hurt for guys as well? I have always wondered. Because many guys have done it before I am ready. I get wet during, but in the beginning, jesus. And I get so sore afterwards.

  1. The sad thing is that for men – the friction is kinda nice. But not if its dry as the sahara. Regardless, if they aren’t waiting until you are ready – it just goes to show that they don’t know what they are doing 😅

  2. No shame in applying a nice dollop of lube before sex. If your sex partners can’t deal with that, well, maybe they don’t need to be your sex partner.

  3. Short answer: we don’t know better and need to be told about it. Intact dudes make the process much easier and more enjoyable if they don’t retract prior to first penetration.

  4. I did this a lot when I was not comfortable and relaxed with my partner because I get anxious about the hardness of my erection and losing it during the sex. So, putting it in kinda ensures that I will not lose it.

  5. Oftentimes men don’t know it’s needed, or sometimes are just impatient and assume it’s wet enough when it really isn’t. Communicate and tell them that you’re not ready yet and you need more warm-up, or use some lubricant. If the guy doesn’t listen to you and wants to rush things, tell him no because it can hurt you and you need some more time. If he still ignores this and keeps pressuring you, shut everything down because that’s not the kind of person you want to be having sex with. Gotta respect the word “no”, and not want to put his partner in (unwanted) pain just for his own pleasure.

  6. Why are you letting them put it in before you are ready? How are they to know you are ready? Do you communicate this? Sometimes I want it before I am wet enough for it. So I will try to put it in, then see it’s not gonna, then lube it all up, then good to go. Just say what you want in the moment.

  7. You need to tell them that you’re not wet enough yet and not to put it in until you are.

  8. That is text book shit sex. It sounds like he is prioritizing his pleasure over yours. Don’t put up with it. Be clear with your communication that you want/deserve pleasurable sex which means more foreplay so you can get wet (sex is so much better with foreplay anyway!). Or sex toys and make out together while you get wet. If you make it clear that he is actually hurting you and he still does it, stop the sex and stop seeing him. You can do so much better 🙌

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